Powerdex Hourly Indexes: The Reliable Benchmark for Real-Time Deals in the WECC

Powerdex, vetted by regulators and approved by the energy industry, offers the only hourly indexes in the WECC, with historical data dating back to 01/01/02:
Palo Verde

Four Corners

Our methodology only allows real-time, hour-ahead or bal-day deals in the Hourly Indexes. The Day-Ahead package offers a suite of products:

Standard DA
Non-standard DA (Odd Lots, Super Peak and 1x16s for 11 points: those above, plus John Day and Big Eddy)

Uses for Powerdex Indexes include:

   - Bonneville Power Administration's benchmark for
     energy and generation imbalance settlement

   - PacifiCorp's modeling, resource planning and for
     rate cases in their six-state footprint

   - The Northwest Power Pool's three-hour
     calculations for reserve sharing

   - The NASDAQ OMX as a proxy for liquidated

   - Structuring, by a host of customers

   - Obtaining financing, then settling, "green" power

   - Market monitoring by the California ISO

   - Tariffs, including demand response programs

   - Valuating assets and pricing transmission

Drop that Pepto Bismol bottle! Manage your risk with Powerdex's market-tested, shaped data.

CONTACT US | Information obtained by Powerdex is believed to be reliable. However, Powerdex does not guarantee the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of such Information. POWERDEX GIVES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE) WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION.

Powerdex shall not be liable in any way, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Powerdex for any inaccuracy, error, or delay in, or omission of any Information, or the transmission or delivery of Information; any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by any such inaccuracy, error, delay, or omission, non-performance, interruption of Information due either to any negligent act or omission by Powerdex or to any "force majeure" (i.e. flood, extraordinary weather conditions, earthquake, or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, action of government, communications, power failure, or equipment or software malfunction) or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of Powerdex.

Design, Databasing, and Hosting by: Trinicom Communications